Satan and Lil Nas X’s old soft shoe, atheist inspiration, the joy of sex-positive WAP, and zero tolerance for bigotry.
Charity will never solve social ills, but Socialism will. Also: Boycotting Coke, UPS, Home Depot, and Delta over Georgia’s Jim Crow.
State Republicans stage election coup, bigot cops revealed (again), and separating money from work.
Why a rebirth of civics education is vital to saving democracy and a new report on how to do it.
Peter Donalds (aka Charles Bursell) shares personal reflections in this pilot episode of a potential podcast series, part memoir, part history, and part treatise.
We can’t love away or argue away the guns. We have to go hard Left and politically destroy the Patriarchal White Christian Nationalists who breed the shooters and defend the indefensible.
Democrats have Lefties wondering: Is this real? Can it last? Also, conflicting moods over new Covid infections and vaccine politics.
Spring reflections on public spaces, retirement, abandoning the car, and the degenerate nature of television.
Humanities vs trade school, no more traffic cops, and preparing for the next emergency. Also: if money poisons politics does it poison everything else? Of course, it does.
Upstart news networks, what’s really happening in Portland, rainforest emissions, and rooting for anarchy.
Topics I’ve been avoiding: Woody Allen, Andrew Cuomo, and how sand, yes, sand, is killing the planet. Ugh.
The brave new world of digital money won’t eliminate its oldest and greatest sin: the massive theft of labor.
Lessons from Late Night, Presidents, workers and profiteers. The tragic mistake of seeking a pre-Covid “normal.”
Lessons from an obligatory phone call to an elderly aunt. Woody Allen, Charlie Brown, David Brooks, Bob Newhart and The Pope find their way into this very odd episode of The Log.
The origins of phrases like “caught red-handed,” “the jig is up,” “butter up” (that’s a weird one) and more.
Smoking out Stephen Miller’s bad White House juju, Harry and Meghan create a new Right/Left divide, and marking one year of Covid.
Don’t’ let Radical Christian Fascists fool you on trans athletes or “strong” border policy – It’s pure bigotry. Also: Blunt Senate politics.
Dems went big on police reform, voting rights, and Covid relief, and now they must bust the filibuster. Also: the notorious eight, RoJo the Dumb, and what would Mitch do?
While pollution kills millions annually, right-wing Fossils cling to whale oil and spittoons. But climate revolution in both policy and narrative ARE possible.
To create economic, health and climate justice, Lefties must push aside the shrinking political middle and then crush the Radical Christian White Right. Ready, go!
The race between vaccines and state reopenings, Repugs abdicate legitimacy, Dems go alone on Covid and the fight for $15 showdown.
Why a rebirth of civics education is vital to saving democracy and a new report on how to do it.
I spent the whole weekend watching CPAC. It was brutal, but the new American Nazis are powerful and we ought to keep a damn close eye on them.