Republicans are poised to create a one-party authoritarian state in the US. If you want your vote to count in future elections you better vote in this election.
Historically the economy does better under Democrats while Republican continue to peddle their tired and debunked theory of trickle down.
Contrary to GOP lies, crime rates are down over the last year. Homicide is up, but the highest rates are actually in Republican-led cities and states.
If you are one of the 80 to 90 percent of Americans who believe abortion should be legal in at least SOME cases you need to vote Blue.
In the name of “states rights” and “religious liberty” Republicans will continue their drive to codify bigotry in U.S. law.
Democrats at least give us a fighting chance on Climate, but Republicans are a death sentence for the planet.
The GOP promises to reduce or eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Take them at their word.
Enflamed by Republican rhetoric, threats and acts of political violence continue to rise.
Every Republican on Tuesday’s ballot is a proxy for Trump and will enable his return to the White House in 2024.
Republicans have invented an extreme and fictional portrait of Democrats to scare voters.
Democracy itself is on the November 8th ballot. You have the power to save it.