The strange and dangling account of a onetime reporter. Also: how to become an influencer.
On one hand: Sex and gender are beautiful ways to express our individuality and to relate to each other within a wide spectrum of the human condition. On the other hand: Dictating sex and gender norms is senseless, arbitrary, and ultimately dangerous. Expectations of so-called “masculine” and “feminine” traits are promoted by idiots. Trans rights are opposed by bigots. Binary models are unscientific, thinly veiled hate disguised as innocent ignorance. The whole pile of BS is shoveled by cranks, bullies, bigots and morons without a leg to stand on. They are wrong, stupid, and mean.
Dear Santa, here is the list of things I want for Christmas. It’s pretty much the same list I ask for every year.
Yours Truly, Charles Bursell
The written “War Against Humanity” manifesto of Natalie Rupnow, the latest school shooter, should not be ignored. While her ultimate action was indefensible, her diagnoses were often accurate and should be understood.
It’s easier to criticize the current system than it is to recommend solutions. People always ask me, after such critiques: “well then what can we do?” A proper response to that question would take several volumes. So, here’s volume one.
My take on the CEO shooting. Violence? No. Revolution? Yes! Also: It’s up to us all to protect the truth as the presidential transition is as bad and worse than the warnings.
Right now it’s all about the Orange Man’s strategy of humiliation. Yes it’s comically ridiculous. It’s also deadly serious. Don’t let anybody tell you it’s not.
A clearer look at the election outcome. There is no MAGA mandate, but their Fascist regime is beginning to take hold nonetheless.
Taking a break from politics, we talk with some lovable losers about how they might improve their game. So, not about politics at all. Really, not at all. Honest.
Fascist America is here. Now we need a new political movement strong enough to defeat it.
If you were waiting for a bandwagon to jump on, you’ve got one. It’s not too late to get off the couch and vote so you can celebrate with the winners.
Democracy is on the ballot because her opponent’s complete and utter lack of character is the central force in how he would govern.
The third of five special episodes leading up to Election Day for undecided or late-breaking voters and the people who love them. Today’s issue: Abortion Rights and Gender.
The second of five special episodes leading up to Election Day for undecided or late-breaking voters and the people who love them. Today’s issue: Immigration.
For undecided or late-breaking voters, and the people who love them, this is the first of five special bonus episodes leading up to Election Day. Today’s issue: The Economy.
It’s democracy this time, but someday it’ll be Capitalism on the ballot. Also: starkly different closing arguments, Rudy ordered to hand over the goods, and Jon Stewart’s blind spot.
For one family, moving to a swing state so their votes would count seemed like a good idea, that is until they met with mystery… and horror! Ooooh!
You don’t have to like Kamala Harris or the Democrats. You can despise their policy on Israel. But if you don’t want Trump to be an honest-to-god stone-cold dictator, you have to vote for them.
Pundit Chuckie Bucky and co-host Uncle Chuck on the economy and other Election 24 issues, with a special pitch to angry young men.
New lows for Nobel, SpaceX, Israel, SCOTUS, and The Orange Menace. But there’s still hope if you listen to the Lefties!
Anchored by Charles Bursell and featuring the SCTRT Players, live 2016 election night coverage, as it originally aired on Stream of Consciousness Talk Radio Theatre.
Charles Bursell is missing and all of his friends are suspects! And what’s with all the mysterious notes and that suspicious pile of ashes in the New Arts & Media Studios?
Cornel West releases swing state voters, Israel’s year of terror, The Orange Menace’s hurricane of lies, and Harris’s media blitz.
Listener Corrections, Echoes of History, The Man Who Saved the Election.
All love and respect to Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday. We sure could use his leadership on The Middle East right about now. Also, there’s no such thing as “natural” disasters, and some notes on the VP Debate.